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World Roma Congress

After the Second World War, the World Roma Congress in 1971 was one of the most important events for Roma in the 20th century. Roma from many European countries met in London to discuss the future of Roma in the world. Many of the representatives were Holocaust survivors or partisans. World War II and reparations from Germany were therefor an important issue in this movement. The movement had been formed ten years earlier by migrant Roma in France.

The most important result of the First World Roma Congress was the agreement to use the self-designation Roma and to reject all stigmatizing foreign designations.
Other conferences followed in various countries. In 1981 the Third World Roma Congress took place in Göttingen, Germany. An important result of the Congress was that in 1982 the German government finally recognized the racially motivated genocide of the Roma and Sinti.

After more than 40 years Roma organizations from all over the world and the general secretary of the First World Roma Congress, Grattan Puxon, came together to organize a World Roma Congress in Germany again. It will open on 16 May, Roma Resistance Day, 2023. On 16 May, 1944, Roma and Sinti successfully resisted the SS in Auschwitz-Birkenau and prevented their extermination planned for that day. Therefore, this day stands for the resistance of Roma, not only against their extermination, but also against the racism and discrimination of the present

Lumjako Romano Kongresi

Palo II Lumjako Mareba, Lumjako Romano Kongreso 1971 bersheste isine jek kotar majmahatno beshipe e Romengoro ano 20 veko. Roma kotar pobuter Evropake rashtre araklepe ano London te diskutirinen avutnipe e Romengo ani lumja. Pobuter kotar o participantja isine manusha kola nakhavde o holocaust, thaj partizanja. II Lumjako mareba thaj reparacija kotar e Germanija isine majmahatno buti akale organizipasko. Organizipe kerdilo 10 bersh ponagleder kotar Francuskake Roma migrantja.

Majmahatno rezultati Jekto Lumjake Romane Kongresesko isine lafi-panglipe te kerelpes buti palo korokori-anavipe e Romengiri thaj te durjarelpes stigmatizaciuno avrutno qivavipe.Javera konferencije isine phiravde ano pobuter phuvja. 1981 bersheste III Lumjako Romano Kongresi lela than ano Göttingen, Germanija. Majmahatno rezultati akale kongresesko isine kaj ano 1982 bersh Germanijako guvernipe lela decizija te pengjarel racijalno motivirimo genocide e Romenogor thaj e Sintengoro.

Palo 40 bersh, Romane organizacije kotar I sa Lumja thaj generlano sekretari Jekto Romane Kongresesko rajo Grattan Puxon, ale jekhe thane te keren organzacija Lumjako Romano Kongresi ki Germanija palpale. Ka ovel putardo ko 16 Maji, ko Romano rezistecijako dive 2023. 16 Majea 1944, Roma thaj Sinti kerde reslipe ani rezistencija ando SS ko Auschwitz-Birkenau thaj kerde prevencija ando lengiri ekstreminacija-mudaripe  koja isine planirimi odova dive. Odoleske akale diveste ustelape ani rezistencija Romani, sar kotar lengi ektreminacija, thaj kontra avdisutne rasizmo thaj diskrimnacija.